An open source Virtual Learning Environment designed to aid in creating online learning communities based on collaboration and interaction through its icon-based interface. Initially funded as a research prototype by the Greek government in 2001, it was then rewritten and released as open source in September 2007. Along with the community open-source edition there are also three commercial versions. eFront is multi-platform being able to run on any operating system that has support for PHP 5.1+ and MySQL 5+.
eFront has a number of typical VLE features such as: user management; lessons, courses, curriculum and categories management; files management; exam builders; assignments builders; communication tools (Forum, Chat, Calendar, Glossary); progress tracking; authentication methods; enrollment methods; certifications; reports generators; extensibility via modules; payments integration (through Paypal); social tools (Lesson & system history, user wall, user status, Facebook interconnection); customizable notification system through email and skinning via themes.
Stadiou & Santaroza 1, 10564, Athens
(+30) 210 6756008